It's been quite a long time since my previous post, and I figured it was about time to come back with a few updates as I had promised!
So a few weeks ago I finished my Cybersecurity class at Georgia Tech and I gotta say that it was indeed a really nice chance for me to brush up on my C programming skills and put on a hacker hat!
The projects were engaging as they covered many different aspects of cybersecurity (they also came with very detailed prompts), ranging from very low-level stuff during the first part of the course (we had to hack our way into a shell 🤓) to then touch on web security topics (i.e. XSS, CSRF, etc.)
Overall, I would say I learn quite a bunch of useful things about cybersecurity as this class gave me more perspective and various tools that I can now draw from when thinking about the potential threats & attacks in real world scenarios.
So I'd definitely recommend taking this class if you're new to the realm of cybersecurity and you wanna have a chance to challenge yourself by completing some interesting projects about cryptography & web security.
Needless to say that these past few months have been hectic to say the least, and that it was quite challenging to balance my full-time job as a Front-end Engineer with the workload coming from the OMSCS program (as the homework was usually time-consuming).
But I pushed through till the very end and now I am pretty satisfied with the way that things turned out eventually since I am continuously trying to expand my knowledge and skills as a Software Engineer and being able to discover so many different areas of Computer Science is something inspiring and motivating.
So crazy to think that another year is almost over though! 🤯
I truly hope that 2022 can be the start of new exciting beginnings for everyone.
Anyhow, in the meantime...Stay tuned, and keep on coding my friends!